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Institutional fundraising: tips and good practices

Institutional fundraising: tips and good practices

For many nonprofit organizations, institutional fundraising (foundations, corporate foundations, corporations, or national or international public funds) is an important part of resource mobilization activities. While the process of applying for funds from this target...

Is artificial intelligence (AI) the future of fundraising?

Is artificial intelligence (AI) the future of fundraising?

New technologies, digitalization, artificial intelligence: can the non-profit sector and fundraising miss out on these technological revolutions? This article by Professor Giuseppe Ugazio, Director of the Behavioral Philanthropy Lab, hosted by the Geneva Finance...

How to create rich and long-lasting corporate partnerships?

How to create rich and long-lasting corporate partnerships?

CSR, ESG, double materiality, companies cannot escape the reflections on social and environmental impacts, good governance or the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. If the road to a business model that respects everyone and everything is...

Crypto-currency fundraising: what should you know?

Crypto-currency fundraising: what should you know?

You may have already wondered about raising funds in crypto-currencies without really knowing where to start. It is indeed a technique that is becoming more and more widespread, especially in the United States, but with which very few organizations are yet familiar....

Raising funds with your volunteers: 5 examples to get inspired

Raising funds with your volunteers: 5 examples to get inspired

As an association or charitable organization, you probably have a variety of volunteers to help you. However, you rarely mobilize them on donation collection issues. Now, having help is good. But knowing how to capitalize on your volunteer resources to develop your...